Spring Nettle Tea
Its been cold and raining for 2 days here in Northwest Connecticut and I really want to be outside. Spring Nettle Tea seems like a good fix.
I love making nettle tea with fresh nettle. You can do this in the spring before the plant flowers. (Other times of the year you can use dried nettles.)
In between the rain showers I went out and snipped a few pieces of nettle and mint.
Gathering nettle is quick and easy if you know what to do. I take a pair of scissors and a colander. I just snip and let the nettle fall into the colander. This will prevent unplanned stings.
After getting the mint I bring my treasures in and rinse them by immersing the colander in a bowl of water, swishing, then rinsing.
Nettle has so many great attributes. It is known to be energizing, cleansing, packed full of nutrients and more. ( To learn more details about the nutrients and healing properties in nettle here is a website to get you informed – acupuncturebrooklyn.com)
I had brought some nettle from a friends house and planted at the edge of my yard to have some available. Each year I use it more and more, so this year I am attempting to grow some from seed to start another patch. I will let you know how that goes!
Young nettle also make excellent cooked spring greens and can be easily cooked into many appetizing dishes.
The recipe follows for nettle tea.
Spring Nettle Tea
Serves 2
15 minutes
easy if you have nettle and mint growing near you
3 four inch sprigs of stinging nettle,washed(see blog on Spring Nettle Tea)
2 two inch sprigs of mint,washed (any kind you want)(I used chocolate mint)
4 cups water
Use a pair of kitchen tongs to handle the nettle until it is cooked.
Place water and washed herbs in a small pan. Bring to a boil and reduce heat to very low.
Simmer for 5 minutes. Strain and serve hot or cool to room temperature and put in the refrigerator for a very refreshing drink.
• Add a squeeze of organic lemon
• Add a green tea bag or ¼ tsp green tea leaves to the fresh leaves and brew together
• Add ¼ tsp. of dried rose hip pieces and brew together
•Add a dash of honey or maple syrup or 1/4 cup kombucha for sweetness
•Mix 1/3 apple juice, 1/3 water, 1/3 Spring Nettle Tea